We are pleased to offer two livery packages:
Our livery packages are designed to provide an environment that meets all of the horses and ponies’ natural
needs, whilst also meeting the needs of the horse rider/horse owner.
1) We offer a small number of Part-Livery (both 5 and 7 day) where we look after your horse’s daily care.
We only offer a small number of Part Liveries to enable us to provide a very high-quality livery service and
can really get to know the horses in our care enabling us to care for their individual needs.
2) Assisted DIY (Do-It-Yourself) livery, where you the owner look after your horse and we are on-hand to
assist when you need help on an ad-hoc basis when you cannot manage yourself.
We make excellent quality homemade analysed forage, be it through hay and haylage or our well-managed grazing throughout the summer months. We are very careful to only use old fashioned horse friendly grasses when we reseed/overseed and we have virtually eradicated rye grass from the Farm. Our hay is made specifically for horses and is usually suitable for laminitics and the metabolically challenged. We regularly soil sample, use as few chemicals as possible and only fertilise with what the horses produce!
We pride ourselves in offering 24/7 turnout throughout the summer months and daytime turnout throughout the winter months, maximising the time your horse or pony can spend out in the field. Secondly, we run several same-sex turnout groups ensuring your horse/pony can fulfil their needs for social interaction and grazing with friends and be able to groom and play. We put a great deal of time and effort into safely introducing new horses to their group and making sure the horses are a ‘good fit’ for one another.